середа, 30 березня 2016 р.

Join today's CET webinar

March 31st, 3 PM (UK time)
Lesson Planning Principles
As teachers, one of our main aims is to stimulate participation and provide opportunities for active engagement. At the planning stage we can integrate and cater for this through careful staging and taking into account young learner needs and learning preferences.
Lynn is Head of Training for Young Learners at International House in Barcelona and often works as a guest consultant for Cambridge English Teacher, giving webinars, writing articles, designing tasks and running forums for teachers.

понеділок, 21 березня 2016 р.

What I have learned from the CET online coure 

 Yesterday I completed my third CET online course "Teaching Grammar". I really enjoyed doing it. It took me almost two months to complete it. The most useful thing I have learned from the course was the use of CCQs. As a teacher of English, I found it helpful and important for learners. Different approaches and principles to grammar areas were also of great help. Now I'm sure I would pay more attention to the use of CCQs for the most difficult grammar areas. 
 Thanks to this course I got practical ideas how to make successful and enjoyable lessons. The course has improved that grammar lessons are not boring at all, they can be fun and motivating for learners. 
 The course also gives a great chance to share own teaching experience on the forum with other EFL teachers all around the world!