понеділок, 30 грудня 2019 р.

Вивчайте англійську онлайн!
Корисний ресурс для вивчення англійської мови онлайн
Для моїх учнів!
Триває реєстрація на участь в конкурсній грі "Puzzle 2020". Всі хто бажає зареєструватися і взяти участь, прошу звертатися до вчителів англійської мови!
Letters from Portuguese students!

Приємний новорічний подарунок для моїх учнів - листи від нових друзів з Португалії! 
Let's meet new friends and practice English in letter writing together! 
If you want to be one of them, join us and you'll enjoy it !!!

неділя, 8 грудня 2019 р.

Our letters to Amity International School, New Delhi, India

                                      No photo description available.

Congrats to students of the 9-A Form!
Four Ukrainian lucky students have experienced letter writing with students from Brazil Blueberry School
No photo description available.No photo description available.

Dear Students! 
Our Cambridge Penfriends Project is back! 
We are ready to meet new people and practice English in letter writing! Let's learn English together!

середа, 24 квітня 2019 р.

Making new friends!
Good news! Our students are writing letters to their new friends from Spain: AyA Escuela de Idiomas, Madrid/Spain. Now we are designing letters and then will start posting to Spanish students.

субота, 20 квітня 2019 р.

The letters we wrote to Ecuador students

Оur matching with new friends from Ecuador, South America. We shared 30 letters with students from Colegio San Gabriel Unidad Educativa. It is so great to have more and more new friends from different parts of the world and practice English!

No photo description available.No photo description available.

неділя, 17 березня 2019 р.

Big event in Lviv
Exams are a fact of life and important part of every student's language learning experience. As teachers, it is our duty to prepare our students as best as we can for those exams. The auther of "Focus" will present the ways how to prepare our students for English exams. If you interested in exams, join a seminar "Focus on meaningful exam preparation" in Lviv on April 12. 
Переможці інтернет-олімпіади
Вітаємо переможців III Всеукраїнської інтернет-олімпіади "На Урок"
Диплом I ступеня:

Тупичка Максим  3-Б
Гібляк Вікторія 8-А

Диплом II ступеня:
Івасько Дарина 3-Б
Сахарук Денис 3-Б
Турко Сергій 3-Б
Воронова Софія 10 клас
Диплом III ступеня:
Грабовський Влад 3-Б
Лужний Данило 8-А
Сорокін Кирил 9 клас
Литвинчук Мар'яна 10 клас
Массур Євген 11 клас
Фурча Наталія 11 клас

вівторок, 12 березня 2019 р.

Penfriends from Cambridge
Our letters from Mexico
Finally, we got letters from our new friends from Mexico!!! We had been waiting for so long.... but now we are really excited about it! Now we know their names, hobbies, likes, dislikes, favourite food. It's so great to make new friends and practice English together! Are you Penfriends from Cambridge? If not, join us and you'll enjoy it! It's worth trying...
Image may contain: 15 people, people smiling, people sitting
No photo description available.

неділя, 3 березня 2019 р.

Інтернет-олімпіада з англійської мови

До уваги учнів! Інтернет-олімпіаду з англійської мови продовжено до 9 березня. Запрошуємо учнів школи взяти участь в олімпіаді, продемонструвати свій реальний рівень знань та отримати нагороду за роботу.

неділя, 17 лютого 2019 р.

Sharing letters with our partner schools

Our students are sharing letters with our students from Italy and Mexico 
(We are currently working with two partner schools - Italian school and Mexican on "Penfriends from Cambridge") We are really excited about making new friends and practicing letter writing

International project "Penfriends from Cambridge"

Our participation in the international project 

"Penfriends from Cambridge"

Some letters from us and our new friends -IC Milani, Terracina, Italy 

вівторок, 1 січня 2019 р.

Making friends with other learners!

Good news for my students! We are officially members of Cambridge English Penfriends! Our first partner school is IC Milani Terracina, Italy. We are really excited to make friends with Italian students! We already sent our 20 letters to Italian school and now we're waiting for their cards!
P.S: I hope my students will have fun making new friends and developing their English language skills through this activity.  

Join Penfriends from Cambridge!

Has your school joined Cambridge English Penfriends?
If not, do it for your students! Help your students make friends with other English learners around the world thru international Cambridge English Penfriends activity. It's a great chance for our learners get connected with other students to practice English in letter writing!

How to get started:
Step 1: register your your school at www.cambridgeenglish.org/penfriends

Step 2: Choose a partner school
Step 3: Start designing
Step 4: Get connected
Step 5: Share your students' cards to your partner school
Sign up today! it's a great activity to make your students practicing English in a fun, practical and communicative way!

P.S. I have registered my school and started making friends with other schools. My students have already sent letters to Italian school. Now we are waiting cards from our new friends!