Join next CET webinar
Dear members of CET, join a new webinar "Classroom Speaking" with Chris Redston on 27th Aug (Wed), 3pm UK time
Do your students struggle to speak in class? Discover how your learners can make the most of speaking in the classroom.
Chris Redston will be looking into some ideas on creating successful and meaningful speaking opportunities in your classroom. He'll also consider how to set up communicative speaking activities for learners of all levels.
Chris Redston is the author of Cambridge's face2face course, with Gillie Cunningham. He has been a teacher and course-book writer for 25 years and has taught in Turkey, Argentina, Italy, and the UK.
I have registered for that webinar
ВідповістиВидалитиIt's so sad I couldn't attend that webinar. I hope I will have the recording of it.